Welcome to the 10th ILEEM 2023
The 10th International Lead Extraction Expert Meeting will be held at the Hilton Berlin on December 15th and 16th 2023.
PLEASE SAVE The DATE and make a note in your diaries! We’re looking forward to welcoming you again in Berlin.
Contemporary issues of transvenous lead extraction procedures, lead management and current cardiac implantable electronic device therapy will be discussed.
The meeting was established in 2012 and first took place at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. It was initially called the International Zurich Expert Meeting on Lead Extraction Procedures. The name was changed to International Lead Extraction Expert Meeting (ILEEM) in 2013. In 2014 the meeting moved from the University Hospital Zurich to the German Heart Center Berlin (Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin).
The aim of the meeting is to discuss current aspects of transvenous lead extraction procedures and lead management on an expert level.
Participating experts are individually invited based on their high quality scientific, academic and/or clinical contribution to the field of transvenous lead extraction and lead management. The number of participating experts is limited in order to allow for an intensive interindividual interaction and to stimulate productive discussions.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Starck